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Forward Focus provides support based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

Click here to read more about ABA.


An assessment will be conducted with your child to determine which skill areas require greater support and direct teaching. 

A Treatment Plan will  be developed based on the results of this assessment.

This Plan will outline the specific learning goals that will be the focus of treatment to help your child reach his or her highest potential.



S e r v i c e s

There are several specific skill areas that may be targeted in your child's Treatment Plan. Below are examples of some specific domains that Forward Focus can provide support with. 

B e h a v i o u r

This includes both behaviour that needs to be increased (e.g. staying on task, responding to his or her name, cleaning up, etc.) and decreased (e.g. aggression, self-injurious behaviour, throwing items).

C o m m u n i c a t i on

All comprehensive programs will include a large emphasis on teaching your child to communicate their desires in an appropriate way. Your child will also learn skills such as identifying items and people in their environment, requesting items, responding to instructions and questions from others, and participating in conversations.

S e l f - C a r e 

This includes any self-care skills that are appropriate for your child that they are unable to complete independently but should be able to based on their age or developmental stage (e.g. toileting, grooming, putting on clothes, washing hands, etc.)

S c h o o l   C o n s u l t a t i o n

If your child is exhibiting challenges at school (e.g. academically, socially, behaviourally), school visits and collaborative consultation can be arranged to provide the support your child needs to access the curriculum and to become a successful student. This also includes support with your child's school Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

S o c i a l  S k i l l s 

Social skills are foundational skills for learning and communication that are often over looked.  Valuable practice with these skills occurs throughout sessions. Your child will work one-on-one with a therapist who will work to keep sessions fun, engaging, and motivating.

S k i l l  D e v e l o p m e n t

A comprehensive assessment will be conducted to determine whether there are any developmentally appropriate skills that your child should be performing, but is not yet doing.  If your child is struggling academically, support is available to help your child meet grade level expectations. 

P A R E N T  T R A I N I N G 

Parents and caregivers learn how to effectively implement relevant techniques and strategies to support their child outside of the therapy setting. Protocols are written in a practical, clear way to ensure that parents feel confident in implementing them within their child’s daily routines.

C O M M U N I T Y   S K I L L S

This includes teaching developmentally appropriate  skills that are performed in the community (e.g. going grocery shopping, using a bank machine, taking a city bus, ordering food at a restaurant, etc.)

All Treatment Plans are 


The programs and procedures used to work with your child are selected and tailored based on his or her unique needs. The goals targeted are specifically selected because they are  important for your child and family

R E S E A R C H  B A S E D

All procedures that are implemented are selected based on what research has demonstrated to be effective and on the principles of applied behaviour analysis. 


All skills that are learned within the therapy setting are also practiced until mastered within your child's every-day environments to ensure that those skills can be performed in the places that actually matter.

F U N  &  E N G A G I N G

Whether teaching is done in a structured setting, within the natural context of play, or through a combination of the two, sessions are meant to make learning exciting, motivating, and interactive.



If you are interested in learning more about Forward Focus or if you would like to set up a meeting to go over the available services and to discuss whether Forward Focus is a good fit for your family, please fill out the form below. 

C o n t a c t   

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